image of raised hands volunteering

We are eager to have volunteers for our many groups and committees.

If you are interested in serving on a committee at the Lawrence County Historical Society, fill out the form at the bottom of this page. We ask for your contact information and indicate which committee(s) you might be interested in assisting. Please note that you must be a Historical Society member to serve on a committee.

The committees marked with *** are those with the greatest need for member volunteers. Read details about each committee by clicking on the + sign. 

Volunteer Interest Form is at bottom of page. Thank you.

Responsible for collecting, cataloging, storing, and repairing historical source materials and other historical artifacts. Responsible for arranging museum exhibits, and the care and upkeep of museum quarters. This committee includes any coordinators of volunteers or exhibits, and a member of the Building and Grounds Committee.

Responsible for coordinating maintenance and security of Society buildings and making recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning proposed renovations and equipment purchases. The committee meets with regulatory agencies to ensure ongoing compliance with regulatory agency standards on city, county, state, and federal levels.

Responsible for drafting amendments to the Bylaws and presenting them to the Board of Directors for appropriate action.

Responsible for drafting or acquiring and managing endowment funds, and for formulating long range plans.

Responsible for fundraising and budget preparation. This committee shall be chaired by the First Vice-President and shall include the Treasurer.

Responsible for developing criteria for nomination of structures or places for listing in the Society’s inventory of Historic Places and ultimately in the National Register of Historic Places.
Responsible for membership drives; recruiting and processing new memberships; and maintaining a current and ongoing log of members and their addresses. This committee shall be chaired by the Second Vice-President. It shall also be responsible for nominating the Board of Directors.

 Recommends persons to fill positions on the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The committee shall submit to the membership at least two months prior to the annual meeting their recommendations for persons to fill positions on the Board of Directors for the terms expiring December 31 of the current year.

Responsible for developing contracts and responsibilities of Museum staff. This committee is also responsible for job descriptions, employee policy and procedure manuals, and performance reviews.
Responsible for arranging suitable programs for general meetings. This committee includes a Hospitality Coordinator who is responsible for refreshments at the meetings. It is responsible for finding ways and means for publishing joint or individual research studies, newsletter to members, books, or pamphlets. This committee is also responsible for mass media programs and Society publicity.
Responsible for nominations to the Lawrence County Sports Hall of Fame and coordination of the annual fundraising induction banquet according to the policies set by the Board of Directors.

Volunteer Interest Form

Volunteer Interest Form (2025 ORG)
Please include your area code.
*** Greatest need for committees members

Learn More About What Our Volunteers Do and Who They Are

What We Do

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Volunteer Bios

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